A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Chosen By God To Be Blessed (Ephesians 1:1-6)

Chosen By God To Be Blessed (Ephesians 1:1-6)

Main Point: God chose, predestined, and adopted us to be His children to bless us.

  1. God Chose Us before Creation
  2. God Predestined Us to Be Adopted as His Children
    1. Predestination
    2. Adoption
    3. The benefits of being adopted by God
  3. Our Response to God
    1. Praise Him!
    2. Reach the Pre-Believer
    3. Holiness and love one another

What aspects of being chosen, predestined, and adopted as a child of God stand out to you? What would be an appropriate response to these truths?
