A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Fatherhood Through the Tears of Jesus

John 11:1-44

Fatherhood involvement:

Why Jesus wept (vs35)?

  1. He empathised with the grief of Mary and the rest over the death of Lazarus.
    Lesson for Fatherhood:
  2. He was saddened (and deeply moved) by the suffering and death caused by sin.
    Lesson for Fatherhood:
  3. He felt misunderstood and all alone. Jesus did not give up but persisted in his calling to resurrect Lazarus for the glory of God.
    Lesson for Fatherhood:



  • How is your fatherhood journey?
  • How much of it deals with emotional and spiritual issues?
  • In what ways do your fatherhood reflect the Fatherhood of God?

