A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


The Need for Church Discipline (1 Corinthians 5:1-8; Matthew 18:15-20)

The Need for Church Discipline (1 Corinthians 5:1-8; Matthew 18:15-20)

Main point: The Church has a responsibility to deal with sin.

A. The attitude towards sin is to grieve


B. Christ has empowered the church to administer church discipline
i. The power of the church in administering discipline

ii. Matters that warrant for church discipline

iii. When church discipline is needed:

  • A shocking violation of God’s moral law.
  • The congregation and the honour of Christ is affected.
  • Sin is persistent and the offender does not want to repent

C. The Purpose of church discipline

i. Reconciliation and restoration of the believer to God and the church.

ii. The tolerance and acceptance of sinful conduct will influence the entire church

D. Who should administer discipline and how should it be done?

E. The reason for purity:

“…For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed (v7)”


  • What areas of immorality (if there are) is the Lord calling me to repent from today?
  • Why should I be concerned about if a brother/sister is falling into sin? How should I express that concern?