A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Our Mission Statement

To Worship God, Care for One Another, Make Disciples in PHS & Our Communities, and Serve in Missions.

AMKPC info.pptx

The mission statement answers the question “why” – why did God establish AMKPC? We resonate that we are here To Worship God, Care for One Another, Make Disciples in PHS & our Communities, and Serve in Missions.


To Worship God

“To Worship God” is the appropriate response of the people of God because of who God is (Exodus 34:5-7) and what He has done for us (especially through the Cross of Jesus Christ). God has created, redeemed and provided for us. God’s provision for our sins at the Cross has made it possible to live without guilt and with purpose. It is therefore appropriate that the mission starts with our response to worship God i.e. to honor, glorify and give God the fullest devotion of our lives.


Care for One Another

Our worship/love for God is not meant to be passive. It is expressed and applied in the way we love people. This is something our mission spurs us towards – God calls us as a community to love Him and express our love for Him by loving and caring for people (Mark 12:28-31).


Make Disciples in PHS & Our Communities,

God’s love for us should propel us to participate in Jesus’ commission for His disciples. Having experienced the transforming power of God in our lives, we desire to see God’s grace and power in others too that they too may taste His goodness and grace. It should therefore be our desire and burden that people around us will experience the transformed life that Jesus came to give. We reflect that desire by making disciples through outreach and providing pastoral care to Presbyterian High School and our communities.


Serve in Missions

We recognize that God may call some to serve Him full time in local and overseas missions. Others may participate in prayer and give financially. There will also be others who will participate in short term missions or as a tent maker. Our mission statement recognizes that God call us to serve in Missions in different capacity and all are called to participate.

The mission statement reflects the essence of the Greatest Commandment (to love God and our neighbour) and the Lord’s Commission for His people. This new mission statement has not deviated from the original intent of the old. It realigns the theological priority which is to worship God as the foremost priority. To Care for One Another, Make Disciples in PHS & our Communities and Serve in Missions springs from our love for God and people. The mission statement is deliberately compressed into one succinct statement (instead of three separate statements as in our current statement) to allow the leadership and members to remember our mission comfortably and adhere to God’s calling for AMKPC.

Our Vision

A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


“Vibrant Church”

It is hard to explain fully in words what a vibrant community looks like. But it is certainly not a picture of a community that is dull or boring! An example of a vibrant community could be the picture of the early church in Acts 2:42-47, where there is a sense of vibrancy among members in worship, caring for one another, listening to God’s word and multiplication. Importantly, the vibrancy is characterised by a common goal – we are all growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.



It is God’s purpose for His people to be shaped and molded towards Christlikeness. Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18 and 1 John 3:2 points in the same direction that the purpose of God for the people of God is to grow towards Christlikeness. 1 John 2:6: ‘he who says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the same way as he walked.’ In other words, if we claim to be Christians, we must be Christlike in His character and service.

We have identified 6 areas that will enable us to grow, display and influence others towards Christlikeness:

  1. Clear Biblical Teaching,
  2. Inspiring Worship,
  3. Christ-Centered Lifestyle,
  4. Making Disciples,
  5. Strong Marriages and Families
  6. Compassion for the Needy.

The Six Pillars


Clear Biblical Teaching

At the heart of this pillar is to teach and deliver a clear and doctrinal biblical message. Clear Biblical Teaching also leads people to experience and depend on God’s grace and the transforming power of the Cross and the work of the Holy Spirit. It inspires the seeker to seek Christ as our Saviour and for all to respond to the cross by committing to live towards Christlikeness.


Inspiring Worship

The heart of this pillar is to express our response to God’s grace through worship. We strive to offer our best to worship because of who He is and what He has done for us. We give our best to worship so that God’s presence through the Worship, Word, Sacrament and Fellowship will touch the lives of every worshipper and transform us towards Christlikeness.


Christ-centered Lifestyle

After presenting the range of human fallen conditions (Romans 1-11), Paul exhorted his congregation to respond by living as “living sacrifices”:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

Christ-centered lifestyle challenges us to respond to the gospel by cultivating a lifestyle that seeks to honour God. This is a life that is not swayed by compromising culture values but one that chooses to live by the Spirit and pursue a life that cultivates the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)


Making Disciples

Making Disciples is also a hallmark of Christlikeness – as we grow in Christ we are to be like Christ in His mission in evangelism and making disciples. In John 20:21, Jesus prayed ‘As you, Father, have sent me into the world, so I send them into the world’ – them referring to us. And in his commissioning in John 17 he says ‘As the Father sent me into the world, so I send you.’ This is an instruction that our mission in the world was to resemble Christ’s mission. The key words in these texts are ’sent into the world’. As Christ had entered our world, so we are to enter other people’s worlds, share the gospel through discipleship help them meet and know the Living Lord.


Strong Marriages and Families

Marriages and family are the context which challenge, shape and grow us towards Christlikeness. Here we want to invest in developing strong marriages and families so that families become testimonies of God’s grace and love to others.


Compassion for the Needy

This is a biblical mandate that should not be neglected. God’s heartbeat and command is to take care of the underprivileged and the needy (Isaiah 1:13-17, 58:6-7a). This is an area that we will commit to help as the Lord blesses the church with resources and opportunities.

Pledging & Giving


To give to the General Fund, make cheque payable to “Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church”
To give to the Mission Fund, make cheque payable to “Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church – Missions Fund”
