A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.



Below you can find a list of past sermons that have been recorded from our Services.

Loving Our Neighbour

Luke 10:25-37

Main point: There are no boundaries as to who our neighbour is.

  1. The Story of the Pharisee, Levite and Samaritan


  1. The Point of the Story:
    1. Knowledge does not equate to obedience
    2. There are no social, racial or religious boundaries on who our neighbour can be
    3. Loving one’s neighbour involves risk, cost and effort



Who is the neighbour God placed around in our daily lives? How can I love them?



Entrusting the Next Generation Today

1 Timothy 4:12-16; 2 Timothy 1:3-14  Main Idea : Entrusting the faith to the next generation requires all the generations to do so together. Issues Facing the Next Generation Face Today Mentoring the Next Generation Today Becoming God’s Leader for the Next Generation Today Generations Born Current Ages Silent Generation 1928–1945 79-96 Baby Boomer 1946–1964… Continue Reading

God Knows His Job

Job 38  Main Point: We can make peace with God because God knows His job and His Job,  Introduction God’s Questions Our Wisdom Who laid the foundation of the world (vv4-7)? Who designed and set boundaries for the seas (vv8-11)? Who will judge the wicked (vv38:12-15)? Questions, questions and more questions!   God’s Questions Reveal:… Continue Reading

Understand and Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Job 23:1-17 Main Idea: We must understand and trust in God’s Sovereignty so we can stand firm in times of trouble. Introduction Job’s Longing for God (vv2-12)   Job’s awe of God (13-17)   Our Understanding and Trust in God Conclusion: – Trust in the Sovereignty of God, continue to learn and understand why God is… Continue Reading

Fatherhood Through the Tears of Jesus

John 11:1-44 Fatherhood involvement: Why Jesus wept (vs35)? He empathised with the grief of Mary and the rest over the death of Lazarus. Lesson for Fatherhood: He was saddened (and deeply moved) by the suffering and death caused by sin. Lesson for Fatherhood: He felt misunderstood and all alone. Jesus did not give up but… Continue Reading

A Better Counsel

Job 4 Main Idea: A “correct” speech may not be appropriate in a suffering situation. Sounds correct but not good counsel: “You should be more confident and hopeful in God!” v.6 Sounds correct but not good counsel: “You reap what you sow!” v.8 Sounds correct but not good counsel: “It’s your own problem, not God.”… Continue Reading

Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-41 Main Idea: The manifestation of the Holy Spirit gives us confidence to point others to Christ, expecting a response of faith. Introduction: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (2:1-13) The Confidence of Peter (2:14-36) The Response of the Listeners (2:37-41) Conclusion:   Continue Reading

A Mother’s Perspective of the Shema

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Main idea: Principles to Help Our Children Love and Fear God Introduction Start with me (vv 4 – 6) Teach them repeatedly and intentionally (v7) Live out God’s words in our deeds, thoughts, and social circles (vv 8 – 9) Reflections: Reflect on your priorities in life. Ask God to show you which… Continue Reading

“Does ____ Fear God for No Reason?”

Job 1 The Story: * Scene 1: The character of Job * Scene 2: The Heavenly Court * Scene 3: The removal of God’s protection and blessings Lessons: The righteous may suffer Worship can carry on amid suffering Care and compassion for the sufferer “Does ____ fear God for no reason?”   Reflection: * Consider those struggling in pain… Continue Reading

Servant Leadership

Mark 10:35-45 Main idea: Servant leadership does not seek to be served, but to serve Wanting to be Served ( vs 35-37) The Price of Serving Others (vs 38-41) The Great Leader who Serves (vs 43-45) Reflection: Consider adopting Jesus’ question as a way to practice Servant Leadership Try asking “What can I do for… Continue Reading
