A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Mission Month

Below you can find a list of past sermons on the topic of Mission Month.s

Loving The Nations

1 Peter 2:9-12

  1. Chosen by God to be Missionary
  1. Called for a Mission
  1. Conduct that the Nations Witness


  1. How do you feel about God choosing you to be on His team?
  2. What might be your hindrance(s) from proclaiming the goodness of God to others?
  3. Would someone who witness your day to day life give glory to God because of your conduct?


Loving Our Neighbour

Luke 10:25-37   Main point: There are no boundaries as to who our neighbour is. The Story of the Pharisee, Levite and Samaritan   The Point of the Story: Knowledge does not equate to obedience There are no social, racial or religious boundaries on who our neighbour can be Loving one’s neighbour involves risk, cost… Continue Reading

Loving Others of a Different Race and Language

Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Romans 10:12-17 Introduction The Wall between the Jews and the Gentiles   The Gospel in their “Heart Language”   The Beautiful Feet of Today Reflection Questions Who has the Lord called you to share your faith with during this missions month period? How can you improve the “Heart Language” of this person/people… Continue Reading
