A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Ps Serene Liang

Below you can find a list of past sermons by Ps Serene Liang. s

He Shall Come to Judge The Living and The Dead

Mark 13:32-37; Revelation 11:15-18

Main idea: Jesus is coming again; we need to be prepared.

Jesus will come again
•  It is a promise in the Bible
•  Jesus will reign as King forever
•  Satan and his army will be thrown into eternal fire (Rev 11:18; 20:10)


He will judge the living and the dead


Reflections / Application:

  • Are you longing for Jesus’ return? Why?
  • How would I live differently knowing that Jesus will judge the living and the dead.


How Do I Live without You?

Psalm 127:1-5 Main idea: Invite God to build our lives with us. Introduction Invite God to be at the centre of our activities in life (v1) Trust God to give us rest (v2) Depend on God to build and bless our family (vv 3 – 5) Reflections / Application: •  In what way have you… Continue Reading

A Mother’s Perspective of the Shema

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Main idea: Principles to Help Our Children Love and Fear God Introduction Start with me (vv 4 – 6) Teach them repeatedly and intentionally (v7) Live out God’s words in our deeds, thoughts, and social circles (vv 8 – 9) Reflections: Reflect on your priorities in life. Ask God to show you which… Continue Reading

#Who Do You Want to Follow?

John 10:1-18 Main idea:  Follow Only The Good Shepherd Who Died for You Introduction We Need a Good Shepherd (vv 1-5) Thief & Robber, Hire hand or the Good Shepherd (vv 7-15, 17-18) The Good Shepherd is Looking for you (v16) Reflections: Do you want to follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd who died for you?… Continue Reading

Put God’s Word Into Practice

James 1:19-27  Main idea: Do Not Stop at Hearing God’s Word, Do it! Practise God’s word in controlling our anger. (vv19 – 21) Quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. Receive God’s word with meekness. Practise God’s word by not deceiving ourselves (vv22 – 25) Do not deceive ourselves. Persevere with actions. Practise… Continue Reading

Jesus, The King Who Cares for Our Needs

Matthew 6:25-34 Main idea: Worries rob our peace. Trust God who provides for our needs. Do not be anxious about what we need (v25).   Trust God that He cares for all we need (v26 -30).   Focus on what is important to God first. He will take care of all we need (v31 –… Continue Reading
