A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Calling and Vocation (Genesis 2:15; Colossians 3:23)


1. The Call of God: The Three Expressions of Vocation (Gordon Smith)

a. The general call: the invitation to follow Christ
b. The immediate call: the task or duties to which God calls each person at present time
c. The specific call: a vocation that is unique to each person, an individual’s mission in the world
2. Understanding Work and Vocation from a Theological Lens

3. How to discern God’s calling/vocation?
a. Solitude and Journaling
b. Know yourself
c. Listening to the faith community
d. The shortest way could be the longest distance
e. Creating opportunities for vocational discipleship


  • Why is it important to understand God’s call in the three expressions of vocation?
  • What learning points could we apply from the biblical understanding of work/vocation?
  • Which of the five areas of discerning God’s calling/vocation speak to you? What steps can ou take to apply them?