A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Walk In a Manner Worthy of the Calling (Ephesians 4:1-13)

Walk In a Manner Worthy of the Calling  (Ephesians 4:1-13)

Main Point: we build the unity and maturity of the church when we put on Christlike attitudes and serve with our gifts.

Introduction * The gospel should transform our attitudes, lifestyle and behaviour.

  1. The Attitude of the Walk (vvl-6):
    1. with all humility and gentleness
    2. with patience, bearing in love
  2. Serving with our Spiritual Gifts (vv7-13)
    1. all have gifts
    2. identifying the spiritual gifts
    3. the purpose of the gifts


  1. Which of the attitudes do I struggle with most? What steps can I take to grow as I rely on the Holy Spirit?
  2. Am I serving with my gifts? How can I contribute to the growth and maturity of the church?

Worship Song List
1) Here for You
2) Hear Our Praises
3) Build Your Kingdom Here
4) This Kingdom
5) One Voice

