A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Ps Chan Siew Kim

Below you can find a list of past sermons by Ps Chan Siew Kim. s

Re-Counting My Gains & Losses, Pursuing the Greatest Goal (Philippians 3:1-16)  

1. If you were re-count/re-assess the “gains” and “losses” columns in the accounts book of your life, will there anything you want to switch columns? What are some things God may want you to pursue and what are some things God wants you to drop?


2. Is it hard for you to believe that God would totally accept you without having to work for it on your part? What may be some things you still try to do to earn your approval from God or prove that you are deserving?


3. Is your desire for God increasing or decreasing? Why?
