A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Arise and Lead (Titus 1:1-14)

Arise and Lead (Titus 1:1-14)



Main Point: Godly leaders must arise to speak truth and encourage godly living.

A. Introduction


  1. Paul and Titus
  2. The issues in Crete

B. Criteria of a Godly Leader

C. The Purpose of Godly Leadership

  1. Leaders are appointed to “muzzle” false teachings.
  2. Leaders are appointed to rebuke immorality.


  • What is hindering you from rising as a shepherd/leader in AMKPC? How can you trust God to overcome those areas?
  • Reflect on 1 Timothy 3:1. What attitude or perceptions do i need to change about taking on leadership roles in church?
  • Where is an area I can respond to serve and grow as a leader in AMKPC?

