A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Being LAMPS for Christ (Acts 17:16-34)

Being LAMPS for Christ (Acts 17:16-34)

Main point: Our concern for the lost should lead to an action to share the gospel

A. concern for the lost (v16)

  • “his spirit was provoked within him …”

B. How to share the gospel (vv17-23):

  1. Lookout: go where the people are
  1. Proclaim with wisdom and respect
  1. Different styles for different people

C. What the Gospel is (vv24-31):

  1. God made everything and is the Lord of heaven and earth
  1. We are made for God
  1. The way to God is through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

D. The Response to the Gospel (vv32-34)

  1. “Some mocked”
  1. “We will hear you again”
  1. “Joined him and Believe”


  • Who do I care for so much that I want to share the gospel today? How can I apply LAMPS for Christ in this situation?