A vibrant church growing, and influencing others towards Christlikeness.


Rev Dr James Lim

Below you can find a list of past sermons by Rev Dr James Lim. s

I Believe In The Holy Spirit

John 14:16-17, 16:8-15

  • Let’s Start!
  • Just Who or What is the Holy Spirit Anyway?
  1. The Spirit Desires a Relationship with Us
  2. The Spirit Has a Will
  • What in the World is the Holy Spirit Doing?
  1. The Spirit Convicts and Regenerates
  2. The Spirit Intercedes
  • Moving On


Following the Footsteps of Our Merciful, Servant King

2 Samuel 24:1-25 A Perplexing Conclusion Why did God Incite David Against Israel? What was the Nature of David’s Sin? Why Conclude with This Story? Reflection Ö How are we responding to God’s grace in our lives? Ö Are we offering our daily worship to God in humble submission? Ö Are we offering our sacrifices in service to… Continue Reading

Return of The King … But What Kind of King?

2 Samuel  19:9-43 Introduction: Power in Leadership Power to Accomplish Things for God? (19:9-15, 40-43) Power to Serve Others? (19:16-39) Power to Overcome Temptation and Self-serving   Continue Reading

Praise the LORD with Gusto and Understanding

Psalm 100 Introduction What : Praise the Lord How :  with Gusto Why :  and Understanding Conclusion   Reflection How can you better prepare yourself to meet God in worship, to experience, express joy and exuberance in praising him? How have you experienced God’s steadfast love (ḥeseḏ) and faithfulness in the past week? Spend some… Continue Reading

Walking by Faith, not by Sight

1 Samuel 17   Introduction:  Facing Your Giants?   Contrast in Perspectives By faith, David sees the true nature of the conflict. By faith, David sees the true source and means of victory.   Seeing the way God sees Walking in the Spirit Walking by Experiential Knowledge of/Faith in God   Conclusion Reflection What are… Continue Reading
