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Honour God with Our Tongue

Honour God with Our Tongue

James 3:1-12

 Main point: we honour God with our speech when we control our tongue and edify people.

  1. A teacher ought to reflect biblical character because their words have widespread influence.
  1. The tongue can be a powerful influence for good (vv2-4)
    1. Right speech is a sign of Christian maturity (2b)
    2. The tongue is what a bit can do to a horse (v3)
    3. The tongue is what a rudder is to a ship (v4)
  1. The tongue can be destructive (vv.5b-8)
  1. It is inconsistent to bless God and curse others made in God’s image (vv9-12)


* Evaluate your conversations with people around you (spouse, children, parents, friends, colleagues). Which relationship does the Lord want you to work on through your words?

*  How can we honour God using words to build and edify people?

